Your home and your wellbeing: how to achieve a work-life balance while working from home
Comparethemarket has a great new guide for a healthy work-life balance for those of us that work from home.
If you’re someone who’d like advice about balancing how they work with life at home, there is a handy guide that will walk you through what you need to do to ensure you’re making the most of working outside the office.
Here are a few stats from the guide:
65% of people value a good work-life balance as the most important factor when looking for work.
As of April 2021, 31% of workers still worked remotely for the majority of the time.
The proportion of people working remotely varies hugely between sectors. In the Information and Communication industry, 81% of the workforce is remote. In contrast, just 8% of Accommodation and Food Service employees work remotely.
As of December 2020, there were 22% more people who worked from home in rural areas than in urban areas.
To see the full guide head over to their website